JRP were appointed by Taylor Wimpey to work on this large regerenation site in the north east. Before the design process commenced the development team undertook a 3 day field study of some examplar housing developments in the South West of England and Sweden to provide inspiration to inform the design of buildings and spaces and the interface between them.
Lingfield Point comprises some 50 hectares of previously developed industrial land and buildings. A significant proportion of these buildings have been successfully converted and improved to provide modern award winning office accommodation by the site owner. The proposals were granted Outline planning permission in August 2010. Regeneration required a phased approach to renewal over a considerable period of time. The aim was to provide circa 270 new homes and high quality private and public open space.
The proposals create an inclusive, new community to the east of Darlington and adds value to the existing communities in the area, providing a catalyst for the regeneration for the remaining area which benefits from the 2010 Outline Planning Permission. Whilst Phase 1 was a pure housing development, the later phases comprised a mixed use approach containing offices, a new district centre, age exclusive retirement accommodation, community facilities and open space including sports pitches and allotments.
Number of Homes: 273
Site Size (ha): 9.43
Net Density: 37dwellings/ha
Tenure Mix: 85% Private Sale / 15% Social Rented
Range: 2-5 bedrroms
Feasability Sketches / Planning Submission / Dwelling Design / Landscape Design / Design Code / Design & Access Statement